Tuesday, October 5, 2010

KATCHIT! (if you can)

This extraordinary game deserves a post all its own. How can I describe it? The tense anticipation right before the bowler pitches the ping pong ball, the contemplative debates over the rules, the satisfying smack of a roofus....ah. A game developed by the Chairman Vuong Ngo and the fantastic 4/6, this, my friends, is quality.

Here are the official rules written by Elliot:

The first time I played, I got the highest score of the night! Woot woot! (Yeah this has not happened again...)

Some action shots:

I made Charlie throw so I could take this picture. 
"Swing, Heather, swing!!" Look at that hair. Whoosh!
Everyone getting ready for the actual game. "Look alive people!!"

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a trillion. Credits to Kim for filming this gem. A MUST WATCH! 

Who knew a couple of ping pong balls and a refrigerator shelf could produce endless hours of intense competition and pure fun?! Note Diane's "ROOFUS!" (when the ball hits the ceiling) and the classic ending.

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